Thursday 18 February 2016

3. School Notices - Week 3, Term 1 2016

Altar Servers
Saturday 20th February - Elenoa & Halalova Asi, Seth Sinclair and Lachlan Brookes
Sunday 21st February - Michael Misiloi, Sebastian Whiston and Vince Vidallon

Birthday Greetings to:
Cheyanne Hirst, Niamh Jackson, William Moore and Jack O'Neill

Book Character Dress Up Day and Book Fair
Please note the Book Character Dress Up day has changed from Friday 26th February to Monday 29th February. The Book Fair will be open on Monday 29th February to Friday 4th March from 8.30 to 9.10 am in the mornings and from 2.40 to 3.15 pm in the afternoons in the school hall.  There are still spaces available for parents to help with the fair and with reading to the children.

Generic Permission Form
A generic permission form has gone home today with every child.  This form has information on Cyber-safety, Bring Your Own Device/Cell Phone, School Website photo permission and Education Outside the Classroom which needs to be signed and returned to the school office immediately. Please note this form will be a one off form and will remain with your child as long as he/she is enrolled at the school.  For further information and clarification about cyber-safety, please visit our teaching and learning website under the bar 'Digital and Agreements'.

Hawke Cup - Cricket
Yesterday some of our senior children were lucky to have a look at the Cricket Hawke Cup which was being shown to North Otago schools by the North Otago Cricket champions.  It was won by North Otago at the weekend for the 2nd time in its history after North Otago defeated Buller in Westport.  They will defend the cup against Hawkes Bay in a couple of weeks.

Home and School
A reminder about the family $10 contribution for the food fair and there is a meeting tonight at 7.30 pm in the staff room.


Neighton Fraser has lost his new swimming goggles which are white speedos with mirror lens at the pool on Monday.  Please check your child's swimming bag to see if they have been picked up by mistake and return them to the school office.

New School Polar Fleeces
Should be arriving at the end of next week for those who have pre-ordered them.  Orders are still being taken for the next batch of polar fleeces.

Otago Athletics
This weekend there will be 13 children from our school competing at the Otago Athletics championships in Dunedin.  Good luck to you all and we look forward to hearing your results.

Parent Portal
Our school has changed over to a new system called MUSAC where parents can view their contact details, view reports and their school account information in which you will be able to make payments against your school account.  Each parent should have received a generated email enabling them to log onto the MUSAC system.  If you have trouble logging onto this system, please contact the school for help. If you notice that your contact details are wrong, please let the office know.

Scholastic Lucky Book Club
The order sheets have been handed out to the children and are due back in two weeks. When there is an order for a book, a percentage goes back to the school to enable us to buy books for the school.

Summer Sports Draw
Cricket - Saturday 20th February
4th Grade - Albion v St Joseph's at WCPOO
5th Grade - St Joseph's has the bye

Touch Rugby - Tuesday 23rd February
The draw was unavailable at the time the newsletter went to print.  Please check the North Otago Touch Rugby Facebook page or see the notice board for your time.

Thank you
A huge thank you to both Melissa Davison and Leanne Tuffley who have offered to coordinate the Scholastic Book Club orders and the Subway orders on a Friday.

Winter Sports Sign Up
Mrs Souness will be at both of the Goal Setting Meetings (Parent/Teacher meeting) on Monday 29th February and Thursday 3rd March to sign up children who want to play winter sports for the school.

Community Notices
  • Primary & Secondary Schools Triathlon and Duathlon series is being held on Wednesday evenings in February at the Oamaru Harbour.  Registration starts at 5.30 pm.  For further information visit the Oamaru Multisport website or facebook page.
  • The Race Relations Day Celebration Multicultural Concert will be held on Saturday 19th March at the Oamaru Opera House at 7.00 pm.  Doors open at 6.30 pm.  Tickets cost $10 for adults and $5 for children.  Tickets available from Ticket Direct at the Opera House.

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