Thursday 2 April 2015

3. School Notices - Week 9, Term 1 2015

Altar Servers
Easter Saturday 4th April - Antonio Frances-Rees, Lachlan Brookes, Indya & Mackenzie Cunningham and Ben Cullimore
Easter Sunday 5th April - Joel Kunnethedan, Tess McAtamney, Rhea Ratgali and Emily Hayman
Saturday 11th April - Elizabeth & Samuel Plieger, Isabella McNaught and Matthew Gough
Sunday 12th April - Cody Haynes, Antonia Black, Cameron & Laura Mather
Saturday 18th April - Ben Cullimore, Antonio Frances-Rees, Joseph & Sebastian Spillane and Max Fatafehi
Sunday 19th April - Ellie Jorgensen, Stefanie & Sylvia Lavrijsen

Birthday Greetings to:
Riley McLaren, Jack Paton, Baxter Lewis, Ardan Tierney, Eleni Hausia, Elenoa Asi, Stefanie Lavrijsen, Lisiate Hausia, Indya Cunningham, Molly-May Mestrom, Nina & Zach Dickie and Lewis Gough.

Newsletter Blog
A full copy of the weekly school newsletter is printed out in full each week which is pinned on the wall outside the office.

Winter Uniform
The winter uniform will be worn at the start of next term without the ties for Yr's 1-6 apart from the Yr 7 and 8 students who will still wear the tie.

Winter Sports
Uniform Hire
Please pay your child's $5.00 uniform hire per sport by the end of week 1, term 2 as the uniforms will be given out in week 2.  The Yr 1, 2 & 3 netball girls do not need to pay a uniform hire charge.  The uniforms will not be handed out until this hire is paid.

All practices commence in week 1 of term 2.  Refer to your teams list for your practice days and times.  The teams list are up on the sports noticeboard.

A watch has been handed into the office.  Please come and claim it if it is yours.

Are for sale in the office for a gold coin donation during week 1 of term 2.

Assembly - Friday 24th April
The Veritas and Parish Cup awards will be given out at assembly on this date.

Otago Swim Championships
Last Saturday 9 swimmers from St Joseph's competed at the Otago Primary school championship swimming sports.  Congratulations to Danny Gilbert who got a first, 2nd and 3rd placing in his 3 events, Elenoa Asi got a 2nd and 4th placing while Charlie Gilbert, Corbin & Mannix Fraser received top 10 finishes.  In the 7 & 8 year old medley and freestyle relays, the children got 10th.  Everyone had a great day with lots of personal best times achieved.
Coaching Clinics
On Thursday 9th and 16th April, the North Otago Rugby Development Officer will be running a skills programme for all 9/10 and 11/12 age group children.  This will be held at Whitestone Contracting Stadium starting at 1.00 and finishing at 3.00 pm.  This is going to be based around basic catch and pass off both hands and safe tackle techniques with a bit of fun involved.  Any new coaches that want to come along and watch and get a couple of basic drills are welcome as well as experienced coaches that may want to help out.

There will be a referee and coaching clinic held on Sunday 3rd May 2015 at the Waitaki Recreation  Centre.  Miniball will be from 10.00 to 10.30 am and basketball from 10.30 to 11.30 am.  All welcome.  Any queries please contact Susan on 027 222 2187.

Spuds for Sale
Oamaru  Tap Dancing Association Fundraiser - Agria Spuds 10 kg for $10.00.  Contact Ange Asi on 021 110 0908 if interested.

Aladdin Production
In the school holidays, 7 of our students are involved in the North Otago Drama League production of Aladdin held at the Oamaru Opera House on 16th - 18th April.

Joel Kunnethedan plays Aladdin, Prince Bruno and Prince Ali
Niveek Wilson plays the narrator
Lachlan Brookes plays the Grand Viser and the TV host
Sebastian Whiston plays the evil magician, judge and traitor
Elizabeth Plieger is a dancer, Samuel Plieger is a guard and Aarran Aitcheson plays an old king, guard and bread maker.

Beauty and the Beast - St Kevin's School Production
St Kevin's College would like to offer our students and families the opportunity to secure Early Bird tickets before they go on sale at the beginning of next term.  The adult tickets cost $15 each and student (primary/secondary) tickets cost $10 each and are available till Friday 24th April.  There are 4 performances starting on Thursday 21st May at 7.00 pm, Friday 22nd May at 7.00 pm, Saturday 23rd May at 7.00 pm and Sunday 24th May at 2.00 pm.  We have attached an Early Bird Booking form with the email or you can fill one in at the office.  Please bring the correct money and booking form in a sealed and named envelope and return them to St Joseph's school office.  Your tickets will be delivered to the school office at the beginning of Term 2.

Daylight Savings
Remember to put your clock back 1 hour at 3.00 am on Sunday 6th April (Easter Sunday).

Health Snippets
Preventing Illness in Schools
Bacteria and viruses (germs) spread easily in schools, because many children and adults spend a lot of time together in confined places.  Most children will get 4-6 “colds” a year when they are young, but will build up their level of immunity as they grow.

The only way we can reduce the spread of germs is by staying home when we are sick and washing hands after coughing and sneezing.  Germs can travel up to 6 metres when we sneeze and 3 metres when we cough, so teach your child to sneeze and cough into their elbow.  Please inform your School if your child is going to be kept home due to illness.
When to Keep Your Child at Home
When your child:
Has signs of being unwell i.e. grizzly, unsettled, listless or tired
  • Has a high temperature or appears very hot
  • Is complaining of, or appears to have a sore tummy, throat or ears
  • Has a continuous cough
  • Should be at home if has had diarrhoea and vomiting within the last 48 hours
  • Has weeping, red eyes and/or a yellow discharge around the eyes
  • Has broken skin sores.
  • Has become ill with a communicable disease e.g. measles, chickenpox.
 Managing Your Child’s Cold Symptoms

Resting at home and drinking plenty of fluid is the best way for your child to get well when they are sick with a bad cold or cough.  Often the illness is caused by viruses, so antibiotics won’t help, and many of the expensive cold and flu products have been shown to have little effect on the duration and severity of the illness.
Some throat lozenges contain a local anaesthetic which will numb a sore throat for a while, but the same effect may be had from a warm drink.  Give your child paracetamol as per GP instructions if required, and take your child to the GP if the symptoms get worse (such as a high fever).  
The Ministry of Health “Infectious Diseases” A4 poster is a good guide for common childhood illness .  These are also available from your Public Health Nurse.  If you are unsure, call your Doctor or Healthline for free health advice: 0800 611 116

Community Notices

  • School Holiday Fun at the Forrester Gallery and North Otago Museum.  See attached flyer for further information.
  • Active Kids Holiday Programme - Monday 13th to Friday 17th April.  The activities include:  Monday - badminton and soccer, Tuesday - bowls and netball, Wednesday - Rippa rugby and games day, Thursday - wheels events (scooter/board/bike challenge) and golf, Friday - Amazing Race


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